Experience Comfort and Relief with Recovapro Lite


July 30, 2022 2 min read

Few people know they can treat pain and that the fasciae may be the source. However, most of the time, that physical pain, muscle tension, or even chronic pain is caused by this thin membrane that surrounds and binds together every fibre of muscle. 

Many pain receptors than muscles are found in fasciae, which strongly connect to your autonomic nervous system and transmit continual impulses to your brain. 

By reading this article, you can discover why the fasciae may be the source of your pain, how to recognize fascial discomfort, and how to manage your pain naturally without using medications or other painkillers.


Myofascial discomfort primarily affects that region of the body - the muscle fasciae. Myofascial pain syndrome is the term used when pain appears in this region. Adhesions and hardenings in the fasciae region might lead to imbalances throughout the body. Due to adherent fasciae, this results in fascial pain. Signs

and symptoms of myofascial pain syndrome may include deep, aching pain in a muscle, pain that persists or worsens, a tender knot in a muscle, and difficulty sleeping due to pain.


Myofascial pain is often persistent but can occasionally be acute. Myofascial pain is thought to be responsible for up to 85% of all muscular and skeletal pain, making it the most frequent cause of chronic pain in one or more body regions. In addition, shoulder pain is frequently linked to myofascial dysfunction. In

In most cases, if nothing is done to treat the pain, it will eventually spread to other body areas through the myofascial pathways.

The pain, and in some cases, a burning feeling, spreads widely; gentle movement tends to alleviate the pain; motions feel stiff and produce pain, especially towards the end of the range of motion. These symptoms are typical of fascial pain.


From the perspective of physiotherapy, massages, specialized manual therapeutic techniques in the area of "myofascial release," hot and cold procedures, ultrasound, taping, electricity, and acupuncture can be used. However, the most effective approach involves lifestyle changes and specialized exercise programs. The most frequent result, in this case, is a decrease in

discomfort or an improvement in the body parts that are afflicted in terms of mobility and strength. 

Some exercises are collectively referred to as "self-myofascial release" or SMR. They are based on therapist-developed procedures but can be carried out independently by the affected individuals using a foam roller or massage ball.

These tools enhance moisture penetration and, as a result, the fasciae's lubrication. As a result, fascial adhesions, muscle tension, and muscle soreness are reduced. Fascia training, in which the muscles are alternately tensed and relaxed, or stretch positions held for a long time.

Recovapro has a line of tools to help you manage your myofascial pain. Please check here >>> HOW CAN RECOVAPRO HELP WITH MYOFASCIAL PAIN SYNDROME?

